Saturday, December 8, 2007

2002 VW Jetta TDI PlantDrive SVO Conversion

We've got a fair backlog of conversion photos that we're slowly organizing. Check out the latest Alaska winterized SVO conversion of a 2002 VW Jetta at

Here's a snippet for all you grease monkeys out there:

2002 TDIThe HOH lines come up from under the vehicle, pass next to the timing belt cover, and end at the 16-plate heat exchanger.

Vegoil exits the flat plate heat exchanger and enters the 3-port supply valve.

The diesel line is rerouted from the stock filter to the supply valve.

Fuel flows from the supply valve through the 12v VegTherm heater, past the fuel temperature sensor and into the injection pump.

The fuel return lines head through the sight glass to the 3-port return valve, where the vegoil side is looped and the diesel side returns to the stock diesel return line.

Can't get enough of technical vegoil conversions? We'll have more coming soon!

Veg On!


Unknown said...

im strongly considering buying a used 2002 Volkswagen Passat TDI
and converting it to a dual tank system to use diesel and WVO. can anyone tell me approx. how much the system + instelation will be???
i can buy a used mercedes that already runs on vegi but much more miles and older car... or i can buy a van thats converted...

vegwerks said...

Just keep reading, you'll get there: